Soul Shard
Soul Shard was my Capstone project at the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy (FIEA). I served as a Technical Designer on the project, helping to bring to life a couch co-op platform puzzler, as part of a team of 19 fellow FIEA students.
Roles: Technical Designer / Level Designer / Programmer / QA Tester and Fixer
US Air Force: Dark Castle
Dark Castle was a collaboration between the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy (FIEA) and the 338th Training Squadron of the US Air Force. I served as the Project Lead of a team of 6, working closely with the 338th to create a game to supplement the fundamentals they teach to their USAF students.
Role: Project Lead
Lockheed Martin: Project Everglades
Project Everglades was my Senior Design project at UCF, the Capstone of my Undergraduate Computer Science program. As part of a 5 person team consisting entirely of students majoring in Computer Science, I served as a programmer and Sponsor Liaison to the team's Lockheed Martin sponsors, Rebecca Broadway and Tanner Lindbloom. Project EVERGLADES was an ongoing project spanning multiple years with me and my team working on one of the project's many iterations. The primary focus of Project EVERGLADES is to serve as a showcase of Machine Learning both for growing interest in students towards the field, as well as for internal teaching of the subject.
Role: Sponsor Liaison, Programmer
Potions for Peasants
Potions for Peasants was a solo endeavor I took on during my last year of College, before heading to the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy (FIEA) for my Graduate program. I served as the sole developer, bringing an idea I had to life. This game served largely as a way for me to test my own skill and learn from my mistakes when making a game from the ground up. This was the second game I ever made, and first one as a solo developer.
Role: Sole Developer
Frozen Fear
Frozen Fear was a game created as part of my Undergraduate degree at UCF, for the course 'AI for Game Programming'. I served as both the creative director and project lead, as well as a programmer, on a 4 person team consisting entirely of 4 programmers. We had 4 months to create a full game, and we delivered on it. This is the first true game I ever made and despite all the flaws, it will always hold a place in my heart.
Role: Programmer
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